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The body uses fat which is a stored form of energy.

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Q: When food is scarce the human body adapts by energy?
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What is the energy in a human body?

Energy is stored as chemical energy in human body. It is consumed when required.

What type of energy does food provide the human body?

The human body converts food energy into work, thermal energy or chemical energy that is stored in fatty tissue.

What type of energy is a human?

The human body produces electrochemical, kinetic, and potential energy.

Are energy harmful to the human body?


Which gland determines the rate of which the human body uses energy?

Thyroid gland determines the rate at which human body utilizes energy.

What did they use energy drinks for?

To attain energy in the human body.

How is the human body energy used?

To do work ,which is the movement of your body

What substances that provide the energy and raw materials the human body needs are?

Nutrients provide the energy and raw materials that the human body needs.

What are the 3 factors determining energy needs in the human body?

Human body needs energy to breathe,keep the heart breathing and to maintain our body temperature :D

What is the resistance stage of stress?

The resistance stage of stress allows fats to be transformed into sugars, thereby prolonging the mobilisation of energy in the body.

How does the human body use food?

For energy

What energy does the human body use?
