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Q: What relationship does body composition have to movement efficiency?
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What are the short and long term effects of eating healthy?

Increased energy and metabolism, greater efficiency at processing foods, and better body composition

What is the relationship between body composition diet fitness?

Body composition helps describe the amount (and distribution) of fat and lean muscle tissue in the body. Knowing the percent of body fat, will help a person design a more appropriate and effective diet and exercise regime.

Ratio of body fat to lean body tissue is what?

muscle composition, body composition, physical composition, or flexible composition

What is the relationship between body composition diet and fitness?

Body composition helps describe the amount (and distribution) of fat and lean muscle tissue in the body. Knowing the percent of body fat, will help a person design a more appropriate and effective diet and exercise regime.

What is more important body weight or body composition?

body composition

How do you define body composition?

Body composition is the proportion of fat, muscle, and bones of an individuals body.

What are the ratios used to make up body composition?

Body composition is the ratio of body fat to muscles.

Does body composition have little to do with cardiorespiratory fitness?

Body composition has a lot to do with cardiorespiratory fitness.

Define postural defect?

A postural defect refers to an abnormal alignment or positioning of the body while sitting, standing, or moving. This can be caused by factors such as muscle imbalances, poor posture habits, or structural issues in the spine or joints. Postural defects can lead to pain, discomfort, and an increased risk of injury if not addressed.

Efficiency of the body is high or low when shivering explain?

The efficiency of the the body is low when you are shivering because your body is in hibernation mode, shivering to help you maintain your body temperature.

How does body composition link to sport?

Health is associated with body and body fitness is entirely associated with every sports. If the composition of body is not appropriate then sportsmen will not perform with perfection. In short body composition plays a very important role in sports.

Is body composition a health related fitness?

A: body composition is not a fitness B: what are u talking about