

Best Answer

Christianity ( Protestant 70% of Christianity in US Catholicism around 30% )

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Q: What religion are most US?
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What religion do most people in the US practice?

Most people in the US who profess any religion profess to be Christians. There are many denominations of Christianity in the US.

What religion are most people in the US?

Most people who live in the US believe in Christ

What is the most commonly known religion in the US?


What religion was most of the presidents of the US?

Deism, Christianity and Unitarian Universalism

What is it like for Buddhist in the US?

Buddhist are accepted and treated kindly. Here in the US, we do not judge by religion, though most of our population is Christian, which is the only true religion.

What religion do most people in US worship?

Most still claim to be some sect of Christianity.

What religion does US practice?

The USA has no state religion but most of the country worships Jesus in one way, shape or form.

What is the most common religion of us presidents?

Deism, Christianity and Unitarian Universalism

What religions in the US of America do teens like to join?

In the US, your religion is primarily chosen for you at birth. I wouldn't say there's one most popular religion that teens "join" though.

What was the most popular religion in the us in 1961?

christianism, followed by Islam, Buddhism, Wicca

What religion is in Rhode Island?

Today it is the most Roman Catholic of all US States.

What is rhode islands' religion?

Today it is the most Roman Catholic of all US States.