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no such religion no such religion

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Q: What religion doesn't allow its followers to drink water on Saturdays?
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What religion does not allow followers to work on Fridays and Saturdays?

The Jewish Sabbath begins at sunset on Friday evening and continues until sunset on Saturday evening. Some Jews believe that they should not work during this period, the Sabbath of Judaism.

What religion doesnt allow priests to marry?

That is mainly the Catholic church, the largest Christian denomination. Other Christian churches do allow their priests or preachers to marry, though.

Which religion allows pork to be eaten by its followers?

Well there are some that do not allow you to eat meat, for example: Buddhism, and there are many that do allow you to eat meat. Like Christans, Pegan's, Jehovah's Witness, and others.

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Some followers of the seven day adventist belief do not support many medical procedures such as transfusions and transplants.

What religion doesn't allow voting?

No religion votes.ANSWER 2:The Jehovah Witnesses do not involve themselves in politics. Although voting is not forbidden in that religion, it is definitely discouraged.

Is God the ruler of them all?

Each religion in the world has its own god or gods. And the followers of each religion believe that their supreme god is the ruler of all. So, followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam believe that God is the ruler of the universe, followers of Zoroastrianism believe that Ahura Mazda is the ruler of the universe, and so on. Since there is no objective, provable evidence that one religion is more true than another, we can only say that each belief may be valid for the followers of that religion. Of course the conflicting beliefs in each supreme god can not be true for all people, so it is best for Christians, Jews and Muslims to believe that God is their ruler, and allow others to hold true to their beliefs.

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you cant Steam doesnt allow that

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