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Q: What religion is commonly practiced throughout Central and Southeast Asia China Japan Korea and some places in the West?
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What type of religion was practiced throughout the Inca Empire?

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Which religion? There are hundreds practiced today, thousands throughout mankind's history.

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Christianity - Roman Catholic and Protestant.

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What religions are commonly practiced in the country?

It depends on what country you talk about. In the US for example all religions may be practiced as US accept immigration from almost all countries. In Indonesia, for example, Islam is the commonly practiced religion. In India, it is Hinduism, in China, it is Buddhism. In Vatican and most European countries, it is Christianity. and so on

What religion is picked to be the one world religion?

There is no "one world religion." There are many different cultures throughout the world and many different religions. Some nations have an official religion for their country, but there isn't a "one world religion" of any kind. Christianity is the most commonly practiced religion in the world, but it certainly isn't the ONLY religion of the world, neither is it the official religion of the world.

Is Islam the least prominent religion in the middle east?

In the middle East Islam is the most commonly practiced religion, followed by Christianity and Judaism

What is the main language of Christianity?

Christianity is mostly and American and European religion, so typically English. But Christianity is a religion that is practiced throughout the world, so there is no "language."