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The Prophet Muhammed is noted for founding the Islamic faith. Those faithful to the Islam teachings study the Koran and follow the Five Pillars of Faith.

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Q: What religion is said to have been founded by the Prophet Muhammed?
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Why has Islam not been named after its founder?

Islam is the Arabic word for "submission". It describes the act of submitting to the deity in question, which is that religion's focus, rather than merely the founder of the religion, which denotes little about the faith itself. It is also noteworthy that Muslims do not believe Muhammed founded Islam either; the prophet was merely Allah's messenger, and Allah it(?)self actually founded it.

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The Persian Empire introduced the religion of Zoroastrianism, founded by the prophet Zoroaster (who is also known as Zarathustra). The religion of Zoroastrianism has been almost completely extinguished in Persia (which is now Iran) by Islam, however it does survive in India, where immigrants from Persia are known as Parsis, and the religion has become known as Parsi.

How did muhammed change arabic religion?

shia: Arab people before Prophet Muhamad were worshiping idols. even some customs remain from before but most of them have been changed. because of that Prophet said: believe in just one God and leave sins.

Was the prophets Muhammed's grandfather a Muslim?

he was not a Muslim .. because he died before Mohammed became a prophethe was (mushrek)Islam is the best it by trustful book , people , websitesThank you, but what was his belief? Was he a Christian, Pagan, Jew? Some say that Mohammed was brought up with Jews, and that Islam is really the perfection of Judaism. But what IS known about Mohammed's Grandfather - or where can I find out?

Who found the religion Muslim?

Islam began when its Prophet Muhammad announced that the angel Gabriel had communicated to him messages from the Koran. Traditionally, the Muslim religion is said to have been founded by God and that it existed from the time of creation, but it could also be said that Muhammad was its founder.

How old is Muslim faith?

Islam existed since Adam (peace be upon him) it has always been the religion of god ... it's the religion that all the prophets came with like moses, Jesus , muhammed (peace be upon them all) u can better understand this when u know that Islam in Arabic simply means submission to the will of god ... and this is what every single prophet of god taught .. that's why Muslims believe in all the prophets from Adam to muhammed and if a Muslim choses to disbelieve in one of those prophets or says well i just believe in muhammed(PBUH) then that takes him out of Islam

Why do Muslims have certain rituals to carry out while on a pilgrimage?

Muslims always try to follow the Sunnah (the way of Prophet Muhammed P.B.U.H) in everything. Pilgrimage (Hajj ) is one of the 5 pillars of Islam and the way to perform has been narrated and taught in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammed P.B.U.H ( Holy Prophet P.B.U.H himself performed Hajj in his life) which is that muslims follow. the important things to be done in pilgrimage are also narrated in Hadith ( sayings of Prophet Muhammed P.B.U.H).

Why has there never been an official religion in the US?

there as never been an official language for the us because America was mainly founded for freedom of religion and politics

How many years has Judaism been a religion?

Tradition holds that Abraham founded the Jewish religion some 3800 years ago.

Is a prophet someone who predicts the future?

In religion, a prophet, from the Greek word προφήτης (profétés) meaning "advocate", is an individual who is claimed to have been contacted by the supernatural or the divine, and to speak for them.

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The Christian Religion was founded in the area in and near the present day Nation of Israel. There were at least 120 adherents in Jerusalem and 500 in the region of Galilee. There may have been more. It was founded on the Day of Pentecost in either 30 or 33 ad.

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In religion, a prophet, from the Greek word προφήτης (profétés) meaning "advocate", is an individual who is claimed to have been contacted by the supernatural or the divine, and to speak for them.Yes Jonah was a prophet, sent by God to warn the Ninevites to repent.