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Q: What religion to asoka convert to?
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What religion did Asoka convert?


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Asoka was motivated to convert to Buddhism after seeing 100,000 casualties during his conquests. After this transformation he promoted peace an

What religion did asoka join after years of bloody war?


What was Asoka religion?

Hindu later on converted to Budhism

What religion did Asoka send missionaries to teach?

The answer is asoka converted the religon to ice cream

Did asoka changed his religion?

yes,he did because he was too much impressed by the teachings of buddhism.

Why did King Menander convert to Buddhism?

He did not. We know that he helped the Buddhism to expand, by building temples and promoting the freedom of religion. But he was more on the philosophical side of Buddhism as a Greek, see the questions of King Milinda. Still because of him and earlier King Asoka, Buddhism became a religion from a philosophical movement.

Who was asoka and what did he do?

he was a german priest who spread religion through out greece. he also fought against the qin dynasty.

Why do you need to convert?

Convert to what? A different religion? .. You don't.

My mom is Christian and shes pressuring me to become Christian what do i do?

Well what religion are youBut if you are going to convert to a religion, convert to islam