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Q: What religion uses the term 'kosher' to apply to food that may be eaten?
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Uses the term kosher to apply to food that may be eaten?

Kosher food is a part of Judaism. Food that is prepared and served following the laws of kashrut is kosher and may be eaten by religiously observant Jews.

Why is Kosher food eaten and when is it eaten?

Kosher food is eaten whenever a Jew is hungry, because we don't like starving and we can't eat anything else.

What religion believes in kosher food?

Kosher food is a part of the Judaic faith.

What would happen if they eat food not kosher?

Jews who eat non-kosher food are in violation of the laws of their religion.

Why are Jews only able to eat kosher food?

Jews are only able to eat kosher food because it is against their religion to eat non kosher food.

Does kosher only apply to food?

No, the term 'kosher', which means 'fit', does not only apply to food. The laws of kashrut also apply to such things as clothing and religious items such as the Torah, mezuzot, tallitot, etc.

What religion eats kosher food?

Judaism is the religion associated with kosher food. The basis of kashrut arelocated in the Tanach which is the Jewish Bible.People of all religions worldwide, as well as those who adhere to no religion,all eat some kosher food. Those who observe the practices of Judaism arecareful to avoid eating foods that are not kosher.

Is kitniyyot kosher?

Kitniyot refers to a subgroup of food items that are not eaten my Ashkenazi Jews during Pesach. If those items are certified kosher then they're kosher.

What is trephah?

I assume you mean trefah. Which is the opposite to kosher. As in food eaten by believers in Judaism.

Why is kosher food at a bar mitzvah important?

It is a tradition in the Jewish Religion. :)

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What kosher foods are foridden?

If the food is Kosher, it is not forbidden. That said, you can't mix Kosher milk with Kosher meat, as the mixing of meat and dairy is not allowed. Certain parts of Kosher animals may not be eaten either. Blood, the fat which surrounds the vital organs, and the sciatic nerve and its adjoining blood vessels may not be eaten.