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Q: What religion was the founder of Buddhism originally in?
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Who was part of the religion Buddhism?

Gautam Buddha was the founder of Buddhism.

What religion was the founder of Buddhism apart of?


About Siddhartha gautama?

the founder of the Buddhism religion.

Which religion has no single founder?

Vedic religion popularly known as Hindu religion. Taking cue from this religion, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and many more have come up and established. And all the three were founded by noble saints, and have millions of followers.

What religion is a buda from?

The Gautama "Buddha" was the Prophet founder of the religion known as Buddhism. Its followers are called Buddhists.

What are some differences between Voodoo and Buddhism?

Buddhism originated in Nepal. Voodoo originated in Benin. Buddhism was founded by Gautama Buddha. Voodoo does not have any known founder. Buddhism is a Dharmic religion. Voodoo is an animistic religion.

Why is prince shotoku considered the founder of Japanese Buddhism?

Prince Shotoku established Buddhism as the state religion of Japan during his reign. Thus leading to his semi-legendary status as the creator of Japanese Buddhism.

Who are some founders of Buddhism?

The founder of Buddhism was the Buddha.

Who is the founder of Buddhism?

Siddhartha Guatama

Who founder Buddhism?


Who is founder of Buddhism?


Who was the founder of Shinto?

Shinto is an ancient animistic religion of Japan that is very loosely organized and it varies from village to village. It doesn't have a founder, it is that old. Many Japanese practice both Shinto and Buddhism since Buddhism was introduced to Japan a couple thousand years ago. They practice Buddhism for their everyday lives, and Shinto is used for things like a death, a birth, ancestor remembrance and veneration, the afterlife