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I'm not sure of all of them, but I do know that Jehovah's Witnesses do not take up arms. They adhere to The Bible's instructions to be law-abiding citizens. However, if this includes violating Bible principles (such as you should not kill), they will obey God's law over mankind. They are "conscientious objectors" on a global scale.

There is a lot of instances where Jehovah's Witnesses have been persecuted and jailed for this belief.

So, while you can have Catholics killing Catholics in wars, Protestants killing Protestants, you will not find an active Jehovah's Witness willing to kill anyone.


Following the examples set by Jesus and first-century Christians, Jehovah's Witnesses do not share in the politics or wars of any nation. Our stand of Christian neutrality is well documented in history. We firmly believe that we must beat our "swords into plowshares" and not "learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4) At the same time, we recognize the authority of nations to raise armies and defend themselves, and we do not interfere with what others choose to do.-John 18:36.

We are neutral in political matters, not favoring one group over another, because we look to God's Kingdom for the resolution of mankind's problems. However, we cooperate with whatever lawful government is in power, and we strive to live in peace with our fellowman.

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