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William Penn first brought The Quakers to Pennsylvania. Other religious groups followed.

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Q: What religious group settled in Pennsylvania and believed in equality for everyone?
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What did many colonists begin to want as they gained religious equality?

As they gained religious equality the wanted freedom of speech and a new life for not just themselves but for everyone.

How is Pennsylvania different from other colonies?

Pennsylvania was the first colony not to be found on religious basis and took everyone from different cultures. This was technically the second colony to have religious tolerance after Rhode Island.

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They were polytheistic and believed the gods controlled everyone and everything for a reason.

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He probably believed in Christianity like everyone else in Europe, but really... who knows?

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Equality in the UK means that everyone is valued as individuals. It also means that everyone has equal rights.

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The Pennsylvania colony was started on the premise of religious freedom. The people there felt everyone had the right to any faith they chose.

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The first nations believed in equality and treated everything and everyone like they wanted to be treated. They respected everything, whether it was living or non living

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Arthur was the leader of the Samatian Knights but there was no head at his table. He believed in equality and freedom, thus everyone at his table had equal seats. Thus, there was no *head* of the table.

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Equality Ohio's motto is 'We envision an Ohio where everyone feels at home.'.

What polices did William penn follow in the Pennsylvania colony?

William Penn believed in religious tolerance, representative government, and diversity. Everyone should have the right to practice their faith, he did not want government to rule the people, and he invited people from all over to move to Pennsylvania and established a very diverse colony.

What did anne Hutchinson believe?

She believed that everyone should have free religious beliefs. That is why she was expelled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1638.