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They built Massive pyramid like structures, with many stairs. At the top there will be a big stone, at the top, where a person/animal will be sacrificed for all to see.

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Q: What religious structures did the Aztecs build do human sacrifice?
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How were the Aztecs able to build huge pyramid structures like the Great Temple?

the aztecs organized thousands of workers for their projects.

How were Aztecs able to build huge pyramid structures like the great temple at tenochtitlan?

the aztecs organized thousands of workers for their projects.

Why did the Aztecs build pyramids?

The Aztecs built pyramids for religious and ceremonial purposes, as well as to serve as platforms for the performance of rituals and sacrifices. They believed that the pyramids connected them to the gods and the spiritual world, and that by building and performing ceremonies on them, they could maintain harmony with the divine forces.

Did the Aztecs build pyramid-shaped temples?

Yes, the Aztecs built pyramid-shaped temples as part of their religious and ceremonial centers. These pyramids, known as "templo mayor," were built with stone and featured staircases leading up to a shrine at the top. They served as important sites for worship and sacrifice.

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Religious ceremonies including human sacrifice

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The Aztecs didn't build drawbridges. The Europeans did for their castles.

What did the Aztecs build?

The Aztecs Built Temples.

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Where did the Aztecs build their temples?

On rivers

How did the Aztecs build their Empire?

By building