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Q: What removes toxic substances from a cell?
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What removes harmful substances from a cell?


What organ removes organ cell waste?

It is not just an organ that removes cell wastes it is the action of masterbating

What removes harmful substances from the cell?

lytic enxzymes

What organelle removes harmful substances for a cell?

Lysosomes remove harmful substances for a cell. Lysosomes are found in eukaryotic cells

Does egestion take place in plant cells?

Yes, egestion does take place in the plant cells. Plants also have toxic substances and waste matter which must be removed. The process of egestion removes such substances.

What is the function of perexisomes in a cell?

The function of the peroxisome is to oxidise fatty acids and break down substances that are toxic or exceed the limits,

What is poisonous substances produced by a pathogen?


What are the safety precautions for handling toxic substances?

The safety precautions for handling toxic substances depend on the nature of the particular substances being handled.

What process removes harmful substances?


What is in the cytoplasm of cell digest foreign material and worn out cells?

Lysosomes and peroxisomes - These organelles are the recycling center of the cell. They digest foreign bacteria that invade the cell, rid the cell of toxic substances, and recycle worn-out cell components.

What system removes toxic substances from the blood?

1. The excetory system (nephrons in the kidney) 2.Pulmonary system (diffusion of gases in the lungs) 3.The epidermal tissue system(perspiration+salts)

What cell organelle prevents any toxic substances in the cell from doing harm?

The cell membrane is what keeps harmful chemicas out of an animal cell. It regulates traffic of all chemicas and proteins in and out of the cell.