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Q: What represent the fifty stars of America?
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What the stars on the American flag stand for?

There is no such thing as the American flag, with or without stars.

What do the stars and stripes on us flag represent?

The fifty stars stands for the fifty states in the U.S.A. The stripes on the flag stands for the 13 original colonies

What do stars represent on American flag represent?

The stars on the American flag represent the number of states in the union. There are fifty stars today, there were 13 originally.

What are the stars on the flag for?

they represent the fifty US states

What do the stars stand on the American flag?

The fifty stars on the United States of America's flag stands for the fifty states in America.

How does the US flag represent US?

The thirteen red and white stripes represent the thirteen original colonies, and the fifty stars represent the fifty states.

How many stars were on the us flag in 2009?

50 stars, they represent the fifty states

What do the stars represents?

stars represent Christmas Valentine-nights and Love

What does the U.S flag represent?

The 7 red stripes that alternate with 6 white stripes stand for the thirteen colonies that stood against the oppression of the British Empire. The field of blue represents the freedom to expand and explore the world and beyond. The stars represent the hope and prosperity that exists in the fifty states that make up our nation. The fifty stars on the blue background represent the fifty states of today's America.

What do the stripes and stars on the flag stand for?

-The fifty stars represent the number of states -The thirteen stripes represent the original 13 colonies

What do the stars and stripes on your flag symbolize?

the stars represent the 50 states of America and the stripes represent the colonies of America

How many stars are there on the Unites States flag and what do they stand for?

50 stars represent the fifty states