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Q: What represents a deletion of a section of the DNA shown here?
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Which represents a deletion of a section of DNA shown here a c t g g a t?

Deletions could be c-t-g-g-a-t or a-c-t-a-t or many other things missing a base or sequence of bases. However, in a simple deletion mutation the order of the nucleotides does not change.

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Type your answer here... IDK. I dvr'd the show and when I watched it, just as it was about to be shown, it went to another section of the show. I believe there was a technical mistake due to reruns being shown and it wasn't edited in correctly.

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Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers we get that : roman numeral value for 142 is CXLII here, C=100, XL=40 and II=2.

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Nucleotide deletion removes a nucleotide from a DNA or RNA sequence, resulting in a frameshift mutation that alters the reading frame. Nucleotide insertion adds an extra nucleotide to the sequence, also causing a frameshift mutation. Both types of mutations can have significant impacts on the resulting protein sequence.

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That can't be shown here

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Hallelujah is spelled as shown here in the answer.

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The New Year of 2014 can be expressed as either MMXIV or MCMXIV in Roman numerals. MMXIV is the correct representation as it follows the standard rules where M represents 1000 and X represents 10. However, MCMXIV, which breaks the traditional notation, is an alternative way that represents 1914. Here, M represents 1000, CM represents 900, and XIV represents 14.

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