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Q: What represents an aggregate or sum total of almost all the characteristics or traits peculiar to any individual thus symbolising that individual's identity and unique nature?
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Categorical self refers to the aspect of self-identity that is based on characteristics such as gender, age, race, and ethnicity. It represents the social labels and categories that individuals use to define themselves and others. This concept is important in understanding how individuals perceive themselves and how they are perceived by society.

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The character "stereotype" is often used to represent a certain type of person or group with specific traits or characteristics, which may not accurately reflect the diversity and complexity of individuals within that group.

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Yes, it was the first mass and Jesus conducted it with his apostles.

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Symbolism is when an object/person represents a theme or characteristics.

If you considered The Call of the Wild to be an allergory?

B.Buck represents some characteristics of humanity

Wildcard symbol which represents any individual character?

question mark.

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In person, proxy typically refers to an individual who represents another person and who has been authorized to make decisions on their be half. However, online, proxy refers to a proxy server. With a similar concept, a proxy server acts as a website or an IP address in which an individual can use the proxy sever to access a specific website that has been blocked to that individuals location or by that individuals internet service provider (ISP).

Is there any type of symbol like a coat of arms that represents a family instead of an individual?

A coat of arms represents a family name.

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Psychological essence refers to the underlying traits, characteristics, or core identity of an individual that shape their psychological makeup and behaviors. It represents the fundamental qualities that define a person's personality and contribute to their unique sense of self.