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Q: What resource does the Inuits used?
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Related questions

What did the Inuits use for clothing?

The Inuits used animal skins for clothing.

Are igloos used just by Inuits?

igloos are not used just by inuits (or eskimos) they are used by many different people and tribes

How did the Inuits build shelter?

in the winter they built igloos and summer the used animal skins to make tents

What do Inuits call their hunting boats?

The Kayak was invented by the Inuits. They used the Kayak for hunting and transportation.

How did the Inuits sow?

they used woodden knives

What is a palindrome for a boat used by Inuits?


Is the Inuits language used today?

Yes, it is used and taught in Nunavet.

When did the Inuits use the kayak?

They are used when they go poo.

What did the Inuits use weapons for?

They probably used axes and clubs

What was important for the Inuits?

Animals were are very important to Inuits because they used it for food, clothing and many other various objects. there's a lot more that is important.

How did the Inuits worship sedna?

They used to do a dance to there gods as a sign of kindness.

What was the Inuits region?

The Inuits region is Canada, Alaska, and the Artic