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Q: What resources come from oil?
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What resources come from whales?

oil,meat,bones and teeth.

What are some natural resources that come from the earth?

coal, oil, water.

Why oil is non renewable resources?

because you can't make oil you have to find it, but it will come to a point that the earth will run out of oil and there will be nowhere to get it from.

Is food oil a source of energy?

Yes. Ingredients for cooking oil tend to come from plants (like olives for olive oil) and plants are considered Natural Resources because they come from the earth.

Where do non-renewable resources come from?

Nonrenewable resources come from the earth. They are basically decayed remains that form into fossil-fuels.

Use sentence oil resources?

Oil resources are a very pertainent part of our natural resources.

What do you understand by the natural resources?

something that comes from the earth that can be used for many reasons such as helping the economy

What are five natural resources of US?

Coal and oil are some natural resources of the US.

What type of resources does tar sands come from?

Tar sands or oil sands are consist of clay, sand, water, and bitumen. Its bitumen content is extracted and separated to purify it into oil.

What are some of Kuwait's Resources?

oil is one of the resources

What do nonrenewable resources do?

Well, most of them come from prehistoric animals, trees. plants etc these make oil, gas, coal, etc

What are some natural resources of Germany?
