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Q: What responsibilities did a bishop have in the feudal system?
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What responsibilities did the pesents have in the middle ages?

To serve under the feudal system, and grow the crops ect.

What responsibilities did knights have in feudal system?

Knights lived by a strong code of behavior called chivalry.

What responsibilities the knights in the feudal system?

Knights lived by a strong code of behavior called chivalry.

Why is the king on the top of the feudal system?

There is one major error here: the Catholic Church, while structured as a hierarchy, is not an example of the feudal system.The Pope is the Bishop of Rome, and the formal leader of the Catholic Church.

What responsibilities did peasants have in the feudal system?

Peasants did not have many responsibilities in the feudal system. All they had to do was pay their tither, or 10% of their crops, to the church. Otherwise, they did not have many responsibilities. ----- Peasants who were yeoman farmers had their own holdings. They had to pay tax to their feudal lords or the king, and to be ready to serve in the army, usually as archers. Peasants who were freeman tenants had to pay rent, usually in the form of money, to their landlords. Those who were serfs had to pay rent, usually in the form of work, and had to work common fields with other serfs. They were obliged never to move away from the manors on which they lived, but in exchange for this got a place to live, jobs, and protection.

Was a bishop important to feudal times?

Yes, Bishops were in charge of the church. Since most people went to church in Feudal times, you could consider a bishop important.

What was the responserbility of a Monk in the feudal system?

Monks were not part of the feudal system. They were part of the Church clergy and held no land of their own; they owed no feudal obligation to any overlord and were not governed by the king's law.The Church as an institution held land and might also have manors, peasants and knights owing feudal obligations to an abbot or bishop, but monks were in no way connected with any of this.

Did Romans use the feudal system?

No, the feudal system was a medieval system.

Where did the feudal system exist?

feudal is the answer

How do hierarchy in a sentence?

In English times... the feudal hierarchy was as follows: king-> aristocracy (bishop , baron, duke, then lord) -> knight -> squire -> peasant or serf Feudal system: a rigid hierarchy of rights and duties according to social situation

What was one of the outgrowths of the feudal system?

Chivalry was an outgrowth of the feudal system

What responsibilities did Knight have in the feudal system?

Knights lived by a strong code of behavior called chivalry.