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Q: What responsibilities do citizens share in promoting the common good?
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citizens of a country often share a common history, customs ,and values answer by el nino

What do citizen of a country often share?

citizens of a country often share a common history, customs ,and values answer by el nino

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1.) To share equal responsibilities 2.) To obey the same law 3.) ...I'm not sure...

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the citizens

What as US citizens do all share?

As US citizens we all share the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. We also share the United States flag as our symbol of Americanism.

What as us citizens do we all share?

As US citizens we all share the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. We also share the United States flag as our symbol of Americanism.

What are the responsibilities of a Christian?

Share the news and read the bible to learn!

What responsibilities do your national and state government share?

Carry out the laws

What type of culture does brazil have?

Brazil has a national culture. This means that the citizens throughout the country share a common belief system which includes similar values and traditions.

How many miles is it from Colorado to Nebraska?

They share a common border.They share a common border.

Do share holders have responsibilities?

Yes they do. They can take part in management decisions.

What responsibilities did Artemis and Apollo share?

The gods Artemis and Apollo were both said to spread sicknesses; Apollo targeting the men and Artemis targeting the women. Other than that, they don't share much responsibilities.