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Q: What restriction did Spain place om American trade?
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What is an example of trade restriction?

Tariffs and embargos are trade restrictions.

Why a country might favor some sort of trade restriction?

The purpose of trade restriction is to protect some domestic industry from foreign competition.

What restriction did Spain place on American trade?

In 1784, the Spanish closed New Orleans to American goods coming down the Mississippi River. In 1795, the border was settled and the U.S. and Spain had a trade agreement. New Orleans was reopened and Americans could transfer goods without paying cargo fees (right of deposit) when transferring goods from one ship to another. (Source is Wikipedia under Pinckney's Treaty)

Is Spain a part of NAFTA?

NAFTA is an acronym for North American Free Trade Agreement. Spain is not part of North America and not a member of NAFTA.

What is a restriction to regulate international commerce?

trade barrier

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Tariffs are the most common type of trade restriction. Trade restrictions are used by the United States in order to ensure protection with domestic industries.

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The African slave trade started in the 1500's because of the need for laborers in Spain's American Empire.

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The Embargo Act placed a restriction on trade after European ships harassed US vessels.

Which of these is not an axample of a trade restriction?

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What is the significance of the non-intercourse act?

A restriction passed by Congress on March 1, 1809, before the War of 1812, to forbid direct American trade with European belligerents and in response to British control of American trade. It was used as a coercive measure to deprive France and England of the American commercial market until they resolved their economic warfare and returned to neutral trade policies.

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The government prevents a cartel of steel manufacturers from fixing prices

How did the actions of the Portugal affect the goals of Spain?

Spain wished to compete with Portugal for trade. (Apex)