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Eino Rolfson

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Q: What result when forces within the earth are pulled horizontally in opposite directions?
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What results when forces within the earth are pulled horizontally opposite directions?

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What results when forces within the earth are pulled or stretch from opposite directions?


What results when forces within earth are pulled or stretched from opposite directions?


What forces pull or stretch from opposite directions?

Tension forces can pull or stretch an object in opposite directions. These forces arise when two ends of an object are pulled in opposite directions, causing the object to stretch and experience tension. Examples include a rope being pulled from both ends or a rubber band being stretched.

Shearing results when forces within the earth are pulled in opposite horizontal directions?


What type of force pulls in two opposite directions?

Tension is the type of force that pulls in two opposite directions. It occurs when an object is being stretched or pulled in opposite directions by equal and opposite forces.

What is a force that is pulled in opposite directions called?

A force that is pulled in opposite directions is called tension. Tension is the force experienced by an object when it is pulled on both ends in opposite directions, creating stress within the object.

What results when forces within earth are pulled horizontally in opposite directions?

The Earth's crust can experience shearing, resulting in the formation of faults or fractures in the rock. This can lead to earthquakes as the built-up stress is released through sudden movements along the fault lines.

Is it true Shearing results when forces within the earth are pulled in opposite horizontal directions?

No, shearing results when forces within the earth are applied in opposite horizontal directions parallel to a given surface. This causes the surface to shift or deform without any vertical movement.

What is the name of the force on a rope when both ends are pulled in opposite directions?

The force on a rope when both ends are pulled in opposite directions is called tension. Tension is a pulling force exerted by a material when it is stretched.

What can you say about an object at rest pulled in opposite directions by unequal forces?

An object at rest pulled in opposite directions by unequal forces will start to move in the direction of the net force. For example, if I have a chair, and I'm pushing with 10 newtons to the right, and my sister is pushing 5 newtons to the left, the net force is 5 newtons to the right. Therefore, I win, and the chair moves to the right, in the direction of the net force.

Results when forces within the earth are pulled or stretched from opposite directions?

When forces within the Earth are pulled or stretched from opposite directions, it can lead to the formation of faults or fractures in the Earth's crust. This can result in earthquakes as the built-up stress is released through sudden movement along these faults. Additionally, it can also lead to the formation of mountain ranges or rift valleys, depending on the specific geological setting.