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More people to do more jobs, enabling the expansion of their civilization.

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2d ago

The Mayan food surplus allowed for increased specialization in crafts and trades, leading to the development of a more complex society with social hierarchies. This surplus also supported the growth of population centers and the construction of monumental architecture, such as temples and palaces.

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Q: What resulted due to the mayan food surplus?
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Which was the most direct result of the surplus food?

The most direct result of a surplus of food is typically a decrease in prices due to an oversupply in the market. This can lead to benefits such as increased access to affordable food for consumers and potential challenges for producers due to lower revenues.

Why did Neolithic era witness increased pottery creation?

The Neolithic era saw increased pottery creation due to developments in agriculture leading to surplus food production, creating a demand for storage vessels. Pottery also allowed for more efficient cooking, food storage, and transportation. Additionally, pottery became essential for brewing, fermenting, and other food processing activities during this period.

What happened to the Aztec and Mayan temples?

Many Aztec and Mayan temples were destroyed by the Spanish conquistadors during the colonization of Mesoamerica. Others fell into disrepair over time due to abandonment and natural causes. Some temples have been preserved and are still standing today, serving as important archaeological sites and tourist attractions.

Did Roanoke have recources or food?

The Roanoke colony in the late 1500s struggled to find adequate resources and food due to their remote location and conflicts with the local Native American tribes. They were reliant on supplies from England, which were delayed due to various factors, leading to their eventual disappearance.

Why did specialization develop in the new stone age?

Specialization developed in the New Stone Age due to several factors. As societies became more settled with the advent of agriculture, people had more time to focus on developing specialized skills and trades. With surplus food production, not everyone needed to be directly involved in food production, allowing for the specialization of labor in other areas such as toolmaking, pottery, weaving, and metalworking. This specialization helped to increase productivity and efficiency within societies.

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A surplus or a shortage of a good or service affects the market price directly. When there is a surplus, the prices goes down and when there is a shortage the price increases due to the demand levels.

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Since all farmers will have a surplus, the market will be flooded and the price of wheat will decline.

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The pros of our current lifestyle is that it is easier and there is a surplus of food for most people. The cons of a modern lifestyle are that people are gaining weight due to less activity and an abundance of processed foods.

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