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Q: What results from a recessive gene that prevents the making of pigments?
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Is adrenoleukodystrophy dominant or recessive?

This disease results from a mutation on the x-chromosome. It's recessive considering that a dominant will only cover up things that have occur, for example the damage that has occured, with something else. A recessive will continue to give latent traits. The allele in Adrenoleukodystrophy can only be caused by heredity mutation thus making it recessive.

How are albinos made?

Albino animals are born due to a rare recessive genetic mutation that prevents any pigments in the skin from developing, making the animal appear pink or white with red eyes. Two normal looking animals can produce albino offspring if they both carry one normal gene which allows pigment development and one albino gene. If they breed together and both pass on the albino gene to the offspring, it will appear albino.

Why does albinism exist?

I think albinism still exists I have heard of some cases about it. Albinism is an inherited condition that is present at birth. Read more at: == Albinism results from the inheritance of recessive alleles. The condition is known to affect mammals (including humans), fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians. The principal gene which results in albinism prevents the body from making the usual amounts of the pigment melanin. Most forms of albinism are the result of the biological inheritance of genetically recessive genes that are passed on from both parents, although some rare forms are inherited from only one parent.

How are albino animals made?

Albino animals are born due to a rare recessive genetic mutation that prevents any pigments in the skin from developing, making the animal appear pink or white with red eyes. Two normal looking animals can produce albino offspring if they both carry one normal gene which allows pigment development and one albino gene. If they breed together and both pass on the albino gene to the offspring, it will appear albino.

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Maize (corn) with the absence of carotin oil pigments. It is used for tortilla making in Mexico.

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research and making a chart or pedigree are tools you can use if you don't consider them experiments.

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liver is responsible for making bile . Bile is a greenish bitter digestive liquid that contains bile salts and bile pigments. Bile salts consist of death enthrocytes, RBC's- Biliverdin and Bilirubin. Bile pigments are responsible for the emulsification of fats.