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Q: What retains heat energryfrom the sun in the atmosphere?
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Why is mercury closer to the sun than venus is?

Because Venus has a very thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide that retains the heat due to the greenhouse effect.

What is the source of heat for the lower atmosphere?

the sun

What does earths atmosphere trap from the sun?


How are water vapor and carbon dioxide involved in the heating of the atmosphere?

Water vapor and carbon dioxide absorb some of the infrared radiation (heat) that the Earth's surface radiates back into space when it is heated. This "greenhouse" effect retains more of the heat from the Sun.

Why does the moon have extreme heat and extreme cold?

it has no atmosphere to distribute heat and no water to absorb and release heat. he earth's relatively consistent temperatures are caused by the fact that 70% of its surface is water, which absorbs large quantities of solar energy and releases it slowly back into the atmosphere as heat, while the atmosphere retains and distributes that heat. on the moon, rocks on the sun side absorb heat, becoming very hot, but as soon as they rotate into shadow they quickly radiate that heat into space and become very cold.

What gives of the most heat the sun the moon the ocean or the atmosphere?

the sun

How does heat from the sun reach you?

Heat from the sun reaches you from radiation.

What warms the atmosphere?

Mostly the sun. The sun's heat warms the earth. This heat, in the form of infra-red energy rises into the atmosphere where it is trapped by greenhouse gases. This greenhouse effect warms the atmosphere.



Does the sun keep the earth warm?

The sun warms the earth. The heat (energy) from the earth then heats the air.

What part of the sun produces the majority of heat and light?

The core of the sun is so important to because with out the core will be hot

How is global warming caused?

Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels and this retains heat from the sun (too much heat) which heats up the atmosphere melting the ice caps, and making the sea level rise. It is caused by humans because we burn coal and oil. We have also cut down huge forests that used to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere.