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Q: What revolutions had conflicts over class?
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What did Karl Marx stress throughout history?

Karl Marx emphasized the role of class struggle as the driving force behind historical developments. He argued that history is shaped by conflicts between the ruling class and the working class, leading to revolutions and the eventual establishment of a classless society.

How many battles and wars has earth had?

It is difficult to give an exact number as human history spans thousands of years and has seen countless conflicts. Wars and battles have occurred all over the world, from small-scale conflicts to large-scale wars like World War I and World War II. Additionally, there have been numerous civil wars, revolutions, and regional conflicts throughout history.

Soon after the arrival of the settlers conflicts began with the Powhatan people over what?

They began conflicts over land

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What was the name of the conflict over religion territory and power among Europe's ruling families that resulted in the modern state system?

The modern State system is not the result of conflicts between ruling families over religion and territory: those conflicts mostly played out in the 16th and 17th century and predate the birth of modern States by two- to three hundred years. Modern States in Europe are by and large the product of the 19th century and are the product of the rise of nationalism (which in turn was a product of the French revolution and Napoleontic wars) and of the rise to economic power of the middle class in Europe, which led to several revolutions in and around 1848.

How did these conflict change societies?

Conflicts can lead to social change by sparking revolutions, shifting power dynamics, and influencing cultural norms. They can also unite people towards a common cause or create divisions within a society. Additionally, conflicts can result in the implementation of new policies or systems to prevent future conflicts.

What led to the emergence of powerful samurai class?

conflicts between powerful clans

What according to Marx has been the history of class antagonism?

Marx believed that throughout history, society has been divided into classes with opposing interests: the ruling class who owns the means of production and the working class who sells their labor. This ongoing class struggle has led to various social and economic conflicts, revolutions, and changes in the mode of production. Marx argued that capitalism exacerbates class antagonism, ultimately leading to the overthrow of the capitalist system by the proletariat.

Where were revolutions taking place in the eighteenth century?

all over Europe

What was the result of the midlle class's knowledge of the ideas of the enlightenment?

The middle class's knowledge of Enlightenment ideas led to increased demands for political reform, individual freedoms, and equal rights. This eventually contributed to challenging traditional social structures and paving the way for revolutions such as the American and French Revolutions.

How were the causes of the American and French revolutions similar?

they all revolutionized over the economy

The July Revolution in France and the Belgian nationalist revolt succeeded in part because each had the support of a strong middle class Why did most of the other revolutions fail?

Other revolutions failed because the revolutionaries were unable to unite themselves or their nation. Conservatives regained their nerve and power and were able to suppress these revolutions, too.