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Q: What reward did you get for turning in a Jew ww2?
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Is there a reward for turning drink drivers in?

Not usually.

Can you get a reward for turning a company in for stuff like board of health labor DOT?

Yes, you can get a reward for turning a company in for stuff board of health labor DOT.

What was the turning point on the eastern front in ww2?

Stalingrad is regarded as the turning point for the eastern front.

What is the reward for turning offenders who breaks the rules?

There is no reward. Unless you count feeling great that you got an offender out of the game.

Why was D-Day important battle?

it was a turning point in ww2

Is there a reward for turning in an illegal immigrant?

The satisfaction of being a good citizen.

How can i put Turning point in a sentence?

tHe Battle of Stalingrad was a major turning point in WW2. The Battle of Midway was another.

What was the turning point for ww2?

The battles of Stalingrad, Guadalcanal, and El Alamein.

What site of a battle in Egypt that became a turning point in WW2?

El Alamein .

How much money do you get for turning in a stop sign?

Unless there is a reward advertised, probably nothing.

Why was d-day not considered a turning point for World War 2?

You are incorrect. -D-Day WAS considered the turning point of WW2 in Europe.