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The reward was all the gems of the palace he lived in.

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Q: What reward did shah jahan give to his workers to build the taj mahalcut there hands off?
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After the workers had finish build the Taj Mahal what did they do to then?

when the workers has finished the taj mahal there hands were cut because other could make it

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builders of course/workers there were builders in middle ages like know only without vehicles. theybuildedwith there bare hands

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The term "hands" is derived from people who did physical work (e.g. farm "hands")

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Anticipation of reward.

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they used their hands and feet to build the colosseum

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you could tell him or gently pull his hands and place them on your face and then kiss him that way he will understand and seee it as a reward

How is ship built?

The ship was build with their hands

Why does Charles dickens refer to the workers in the factory as hands?

Charles Dickens likely refers to the workers in the factory as "hands" to dehumanize them and emphasize their alienation and exploitation. By reducing them to mere body parts used for labor, Dickens highlights the mechanical and impersonal nature of the industrial system that treats workers as disposable tools.

Are food workers required to wash their hands after going to the bathroom even if their hands look clean?

Technically this depends on local law, but at least in the US, yes, "looking clean" does not excuse food workers from washing their hands.



Who are the people who work in an farmland?

They are called farmers. However sometimes farmers hire temporary workers called farm hands. If the farm hands travel from job to job, they are called migrant workers.

How do you build a model on transport and communication?

with ur hands