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Q: What rights do people have under the government Hobbes?
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How did Hobbes influence the constitution?

His "social contract" theory established that a government should serve and protect the people under it - acting only with "consent of the governed".

Under which political philosopher's system is the leader of the government not subject to the same laws?

Thomas Hobbes

What rights do the people have under autocracy?

None - an autocracy is a system of government by one person with absolute power

What is Inherent right to self government?

The Inherent right to self-government stems from treaty rights recognized under section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. Under this Act self-government is recognized as a fundamental right of Aboriginal people. The Inherent right to self-government stems from treaty rights recognized under section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. Under this Act self-government is recognized as a fundamental right of Aboriginal people.

Under which political philosophers system is the leader of the government not subject to the same laws as others?

This describes the system of Thomas Hobbes.

What rights do people have in socialism government?

Socialism= big government. With too much government, your rights aren't protected. It's risky to live under socialism because socialist governments believe they're entitled to your work and your property.

The main argument against the need for a Bill of Rights was that?

It was unnecessary because under the constitution , the people and the government were the same so the constitution didn't give the power to the government .

What elements of a democratic form of government would appeal most to people who live under a nondemocratic government?

The will of the majority; which can take away the rights of the minority (quoting Jefferson).

What form of government did Hobbes think was best for people to live under?

Hobbes believed in an absolute monarchy as the best form of government for people to live under. He argued that a strong central authority was necessary to maintain order and prevent the state of nature, where life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."

How did hobbes describe the condition under which human beings lived in the state of nature?

Thomas Hobbes was a philosopher who believed that people act selfishly and without compassion for other people. He said that life was "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."