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No, parents who have given up their parental rights do not have to attend meetings in school. If your parents have asked you to do this it's probably because they want you to be more involved in your children's lives.

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Q: What rights do the parents have if grandparents have sole and legal custody in Virginia Is there a law where they have to attend meetings at school?
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Do grandparents have rights in a custody battle?

That depends on why the mother lost custody in the first place. The court must have granted the grandparents custody for some reason. If they have custody now you have to apply in court for the custody to be moved.

Can grandmother have custody if parents never married?

Only if the parents are found unfit does the grandparents as well as other relatives have a chance for custody.

What is the cost of parents signing their custody of children to the grandparents?

It's not custody, it's guardianship, and there's no cost.

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No, only parents or grandparents are mentioned in the custody rights laws of the different states and not always grandparents either. It's up to the court when you apply for custody.

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Can grandparents take custody of pregnant teens child in north carolina?

If the baby's parents agree to it.Another View: To gain LEGAL custody: onlyif the grandparents petition the court for the childs custody and the court awards it to them.

Do you have the right to move in with your grandparents who live in Arkansas without your parents' permission?

Not unless your grandparents are granted custody/guardianship by the court.

What percentage of children that are removed from parents are given to grandparents for permanent custody?

Not enough unfortunately. Usually, if the child is removed from both parents' care before legal guardianship is established, the child is remanded to the custody of the state. At that point, it becomes more difficult (and expensive) for grandparents to gain custody. There are heartbreaking stories all over the place of grandparents trying in vain to get custody of their grandchildren.

What if one set of grandparents trick the parents into signing over primary custody of their child without letting the other grandparents know?

That's a matter for the courts to revoke the custody agreement.

Can a seventeen-year-old live with his grandparents without his parents' consent in Mississippi?

If he is legally emancipated, or both parents are deemed unfit, or if the grandparents gain legal custody, then yes.

Can grandparents seek custody if both mother and father or unfit parents?

Yeah, they have several of the same rights.

What are grandparents rights as far as getting custody of a minor child?

Their rights start where the parents' rights begin. If the parents are actively parenting, the child is thriving and nothing illegal is going on, then the grandparents are honor bound to support, not supplant, the parents. If the parents are out of the picture, the grandparents can certainly apply to become guardians of the child.