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by not making stupid decisions, remove illegal immigrants who drain our resources and cause crime, stay out of foreign affairs unless asked to by that government, less strict gun laws that already have no purpose, less involvement in the public laws, and more effort in fixing the economy.

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Our rights are not protected by "the government" per se. Our rights are protected in the nature of our government described as "Checks and Balances."

This means each of the three major divisions of government; Executive, Legislative and Judicial have checks and balances on the other. If any one branch reduces the rights of any group of Americans the other branches can take measures to restore those rights or otherwise protect them.

There are certain rights that directly support our concept of democracy including; freedom of the press and freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and freedom of petition, found in the First Amendment to the Constitution. Without those rights the mechanisms that underpin the three branches of government might be deluded and all rights could suffer.

Checks and Balances hasn't always worked perfectly. For many years in our country the right to vote was limited to persons who owned property. Even to only White persons who owned property. The expansion of the right to vote, to non-propertied persons, to women, to minorities and the direct election of United States Senators (they were originally appointed by State Legislatures) has taken decades over the history of The United States of America. Today, the right to vote is being circumscribed and made more difficult by those who would seek to return to the old days. This is happening by the use of voter ID and other schemes to complicate voting and to reverse trend of expansion of voting.

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