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learning how to write, read. those are two they couldn't learn how to do.

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Every right. They were considered property

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Q: What right were slaves denied?
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When slaves were whipped what human was being denied to the slaves?

When slaves were whipped, there were many human life rights that were being denied to the slaves. These rights included the right to liberty, due process, and the rights to security.

When slaves where whipped what humans rights was being denied to the slaves?

Right to a fair trial and cruel and unusual punishment.

How were the slaves freedom denied?

The slaves' freedom was denied by the concept that slaves were property, not human beings, and all human beings are free, but not property, so slaves were denied freedom due to the concept that slaves were property, not people.

Laws that controlled slaves behavior and denied them basic rights?

Slave Codes were laws enacted in various Southern states that restricted the behavior of slaves and denied them basic rights such as the right to assemble, own property, or marry without their owner's permission. These codes were designed to maintain control and ensure the continued subjugation of slaves within the institution of slavery.

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What were slaves denied?

Rights to vote, own property, work,

Why were laws passed that denied slaves many rights?

The reason why these laws were passed that denied a slaves' many rights is because the laws made it more difficult for enslaved people to escape.

What was the experience of the freed Southern slaves?

Freed slaves were heavily discriminated against and were denied many rights.

What rights were the African American slaves denied?

They were denied all basic human rights because they were considered property. foiiertjetdxn

What is the Constitutional amendment guaranteeing blacks the right to vote?

The 15th Amendment states that the right to vote will "not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." This means that blacks including ex-slaves had the right to vote (which was previously denied under Dred Scott v. Sandford).

How do you put denied into a sentence?

You have denied me my right as a father. He denied any wrong doing.

What important English right had been denied to the colonists?

The right to have a representative in Parliament.