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Gulf of Mexico to the west and the Atlantic Ocean to the east.

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Q: What river basin will water collect in the flows to the west and east off the Eastern Continental Divide?
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Where is the continental divide located in the United states?

The continental divide is what divides the flow of water between rivers that flow to the Atlantic Basin and those that flow to the Pacific Basin. It runs north-south through the western third of the United States from Montana to New Mexico.

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Between the continental slope and the ocean basin is the continental rise

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What region extends north from Mexico to Canada and Alaska?

There is not one that is directly above Mexico there are three. West, Middle, and Southwest

Is the Mississippi River east or west of the Rocky Mountans?

The Mississippi River is east of the Rocky Mountains. The east side of the Continental Divide will drain into the Mississippi River basin.

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the answer to the question is: continental slope

The relatively steep transition between the continental shelf and the ocean basin is the?

the continental slope

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