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St-Lawrence river which is now in eastern Canada (Quebec province).

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Q: What river did Cartier make voyages up and down of?
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How many voyages did Jacques-cartier make?

Jacques Cartier had 3 voyages The Third time was in the year 1541.

How many voyages did Jacques cartier make?

Jacques Cartier had 3 voyages The Third time was in the year 1541.

How many voyages did Cartier make to the New world?

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In what century did Cartier make his voyages to North America?

he made his voyage in the 1530`s

What discoveries did Jacques cartier make?

Jacques Cartier discovered the Gulf of St. Lawrence, mapped the St. Lawrence River, and claimed Canada for France during his exploration voyages in the early 16th century. He also interacted with indigenous people, including the Iroquois and St. Lawrence Iroquoians.

What contributions did Jacques Cartier make?

Jacques Cartier was a French explorer who is known for his exploration of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the St. Lawrence River in North America. He is credited with being the first European to map and claim parts of Canada for France, paving the way for further French exploration and colonization in the region. Cartier's voyages also helped lay the groundwork for future European involvement in the Americas.

Did jackque cartier make it to Asia?

Jacques Cartier never made it to Asia since the St. Lawrence River does not actually go to Asia, but just to the Great Lakes. Cartier stopped around the present location of Montreal.

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What method did Jacques Cartier use to explore?

Jacques Cartier explored new territories by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean. He used ships to navigate the waterways, such as the St. Lawrence River, to reach new lands and make important discoveries in North America. Cartier's expeditions were funded by the French monarchy in the early 16th century.

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How many voyages do Samuel DE Champlain make?

He made 3 voyages of exploration.