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Three rivers are mentioned in the Black Death topics, The Volga River which flows though Russia, the Arno River which flows through northern Italy and the River Thames in southern England.

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Q: What rivers helped the black death travel?
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black death originated in China. Form where it spread via silk road.

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Black Death helped to end feudalism. It also helped to end influence of church over common people.

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yes there are.

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I came here for the answer

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there were lot of people involved in the black death over 2/3 of the world was wiped out because of the black death.

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everywhere. it killed loads of peps!

How did the black death travel from Sarai modern- day Volgorgrad to Cairo?

black death traveled mostly Via trade routes. With the help of rats and fleas.

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winter prevented rats and fleas. Precautions helped to eradicate it.

Did the Black Death help the town growth or hurt it?

Hurt it for a period then when it was gone it helped it

Did people travel a lot during the black death?

no they dont they mostly stay at home.