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Q: What role and responsibilities would you perform as a quantity and estimation professional in a design practice?
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What is the difference between an estimation and an approximation?

estimation is to think of an answer before measuring the quantity and approximation is to round off.

want to know about availability of software for quantity survey and estimaion?

Yes there is a great solution for quantity survery and estimation. It's from a company called WinQS. Their website is: Very professional and probably one of the best solutions out there.

What are the responsibilities of quantity surveyor?

The responsibilities of Quantity Surveyors include monitoring construction costs, estimate costs of replacements and managing tax schedules. Quantity Surveyors typically work with Architects.

What are the roles of suppliers?

responsibilities of a quantity surveyor

What is chemical estimation ATP?

Chemical estimation of ATP refers to methods used to quantify the amount of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) present in a sample. This can be done using various assays, such as bioluminescence assays, which detect the light emitted when ATP reacts with luciferase enzyme, or colorimetric assays, which measure the production of colored compounds when ATP reacts with specific enzymes. These methods are important for understanding cellular energy metabolism and are commonly used in research and diagnostics.

A free dowload of quantity Estimation software?

Try ProEST+ Buildings 2009 it works better for Quantity Estimation also i tried extruding 3D Drawing it worked out well within few minutes. check out for the link :

Legal and ethical responsibilities of the Quantity surveyor?

lgal and ethical of qs

Does hand practice reduce sperm quantity?


Distinguish between demand estimation and demand forecasting?

Demand estimation's purpose is to determine the approximate level of demand for the product whereas demand forecasting's purpose is to estimate the quantity of product or service that consumers will purchase.

What has the author Margaret E Terrell written?

Margaret E. Terrell has written: 'Professional food preparation' -- subject(s): Quantity cookery 'Large quantity recipes' -- subject(s): Quantity cookery

What are the areas that deals with Quantity Survey?

Quantity surveying typically involves areas such as cost estimation, procurement, contract administration, project management, risk management, and value engineering. These areas are critical in ensuring that construction projects are delivered within budget and timeline constraints effectively.

What is usec to express the intenity of sound?

unit of intensity of sound is bels... as it is a bigger quantity in practice we use decibels .. . .