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Q: What role did African amricans play in the war effort in the north?
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Most African boys/men play a lot of soccer

What is the equivalent for the word play in African luhya?

The equivalent of the English word play in African luhya language is "Baya".

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The African Luhya term for the English word 'play' is Bayaa.

Who was the first African American cheerleader?

The first African-American girl to play soccer is Briana Scurry.

First African baseball player to play in the major leagues?

Jackie Robinson is the first African America to play in the majors.

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Earl Lloyd was the first african american to play in the NBA

Does a south African play basketball?

no they play soccer(Football)

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Was Michael Jordan the first African American to play basketball?

Yes Michael Jordan was the first african-american to play basketball