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It may be argued that Alexandra's infatuation and involvement with the Mad Monk Raputin was a contribtory and certianly a negative factor in late Czarist Russia. The Czarina was something of an unstable woman with all sorts of conflicting drives and obligations. She was German; her maiden name was Von Hess, and the fact that Russia was engaged at war with Germany probably did not help. I read the book Nicholas and Alexander years ago, also several anastasia perceives the idea that The Czarina was something of a very sick woman, (she had some physical symptoms such as a limp - accurately portrayed in the Amy Irving miniseries). The physical problems of her Hemophiliac son was not a serious crisis. One may get the idea she could have developed a drinking problem as a soothing balm?

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Q: What role did Alexandra Romanov play in the fall of the Tsarist regime?
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