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Confederate General James Longstreet played a major role in the Southern victory at the Battle of Chickamaugua. The Union forces under General Rosencrans had forced the Confederates into frontal assaults because he had thwarted the Rebel attempt to outflank him. Longstreet led an assault that broke through the Union lines, mostly because Rosencrans did not realize that his defensive line had a gap, which was exploited by General Longstreet.

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Q: What role did Confederate General Longstreet play in the Battle of Chickamaugua?
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What did Confederate General James Longstreet predict how the Union's operations would be conducted during the 1862 Peninsula campaign?

Confederate General James Longstreet was present at the meeting in Richmond where strategy was formed on the best way to counter the Union's attack on the Peninsula. Longstreet accurately predicted that because Union General George B. McClellan was an engineer at heart, he would not act rashly. Longstreet cautioned against making any rash moves against McClellan because the Union general was known to avoid heavy offensive operations. Therefore, prudent but effective defensive actions would slow down the battle cautious Union general.

What was the name of James Longstreet's horse?

General Longstreet had two horses, one he used throughout the Battle of Gettysburg was named, "Hero", and the other, which was given to him after his duty in the West, by General Lee was named, "Fly-By-Night."

How did James Longstreet die?

James died in the battle of Gettysburg. First he got shot in his throat but lived, then he got wounded in his leg and they had to amputate it. A few weeks later, he died.

Was James Longstreet at the Battle of Little Round Top?

After Jackson' death at Chancellorsville, Longstreet became Lee's top field commander. He was determined to impose his idea of moving the army to the right to interpose the rebels between Washington and the Union army, forcing them to attack fortified rebel lines. Lee considered the plan, then decided against it. Longstreet was sullen and sulky after, and told Lee he thought Pickett's charge would fail, which it did. Whether or not if Longstreet's plan would have wprked remains a debate to this day.

Who led the victory at the Battle of Chancellorsville?

The Confederate Army won this battle under the leadership of General Robert E. Lee.

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Who was the Confederate general that General Pickett reported to at the Battle of Gettysburg?

Confederate General Pickett reported to Lieutenant General James Longstreet at the US Civil War Battle of Gettysburg. General Pickett led the infamous Confederate charge that crippled his forces on the last day of the 1863 battle.

What tactics did Confederate General James Longstreet employ rout Federal troops at the Battle of Chickamaugua in 1863?

Many historians cite the assault made by Confederate General James Longstreet as one of the most famous ones in the US Civil War. Longstreet employed the standard column formation to break the center of the Union lines. It resulted in driving the Federal center and right formations from the battlefield. Part of Longstreet's success was due to the depth of his columns. The Federals granted the proper respect for Longstreet's success, but often added that there was a bit of luck involved.By a stroke of bad luck for the Federals, Union General Thomas Wood's division pulled out of its defensive line just as Longstreet's troops attacked the Union lines.

Who was second in command of the confederate forces during the battle of Gettysburg?

Lee commanded the Confederate forces.

What did Confederate General Robert E. Lee remark to General Longstreet afte the Battle of Fredericksburg?

After the Confederate victory at the Battle of Fredericksburg, Robert E. Lee made his classic remark to General Longstreet that is now in the public domain. The quote was "It's well that war is so terrible---we should grow to fond of it".

Who won the US Civil War Battle of Williamsburg in 1862?

In early May of 1862, Confederate General Longstreet battled Union General McClellan at the Battle of Williamsburg. For tactical reasons, Longstreet disengaged the battle. Military historians rate this confrontation as inconclusive.

What was the outcome of the US Civil War Battle of Bean's Station?

The Battle of Bean's Station was a Confederate victory in Tennessee by Confederate General James Longstreet. The battle took place on December 14, 1863.

How did Confederate General James Longstreet help the Confederates to a victory at the Battle of Chickamauga?

When Confederate General Braxton Bragg chose to resort to frontal assaults at the Battle of Chickamauga, General James Longstreet led a successful assault on September 20, 1863. It was an overwhelming breakthrough of the Union lines partly due to Union General Rosencrans' error had left a gap in his lines. Longstreet's forces caused the Union's right line to collapse.

What was the outcome of the US Civil Battle of Thoroughfare Gap?

The Battle of Thoroughfare Gap was a Confederate victory on August 28, 1862. The battle was in Virginia and Confederate General Longstreet intercepted a Union force headed for Bull Run.

How did Confederate General James Longstreet rate General Lee in an 1893 newspaper article?

In a 1893 newspaper article former Confederate Lieutenant General James Longstreet evaluated General Lee in two major categories. One was Lee's effectiveness when fighting on the defense and the other was Lee's performance on the offense. Longstreet said that Lee was "perfect" when leading a defensive battle. Longstreet was less enthusiastic on Lee's offensive abilities. There Longstreet politely said that Lee was not a "master in offensive battles".

Confederate general at Chickamuaga?

Braxton Bragg. He was innefective and was hated by his men. The only battle he won was due to James Longstreet's presence.

When were Confederate generals Jackson and Longstreet promoted to the rank of major general?

Based on their actions in the First Battle of Bull Run, James Longstreet and Stonewall Jackson were promoted to the rank of major general on October 7, 1861. These promotions were confirmed by the Confederate Congress on October 13, 1861.

What general was the leader of the Confederate army in the battle of the 2nd bull run?

The main Confederate commander at the second battle of Bull Run was Robert E. Lee. He was assisted by among others by Generals Longstreet and Jackson.