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Constantine called the First Council of Nicaea, with the objective of getting agreement among the bishops on matters of theology. As emperor, he regarded himself as the supreme leader of the Christian Church, but allowed the bishops to reach their own consensus at the Council.

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Q: What role did Constantine have in the Council of Nicea?
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Why did Saint Nicholas travel to Nicea?

He traveled to Nicea to attend the Council of Nicea in AD325 which had been called by Roman Emperor Constantine the Great to settle the question of Arianism, a heresy that had arisen in the Church.

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Constantine was baptized by Pope Sylvester I in 314 or 315. Only a Catholic could call a Council, as he did: The Council of Nicea, and hence, he had to be baptized into the Catholic Church prior to 325. Although not a bishop, he called the assembled bishops there "brothers".

What year was the concil of nicea?

The bishops convened the First Council of Nicea (the better known of the two) in 325 AD at the request of Emperor Constantine, who had legalized Christianity not long before with the Edict of Milan. This council condemned the Arian heresy, which taught that Jesus was not God, but a superhuman entity created by God. The Second Council of Nicea, which particularly fought Iconoclasm (the destruction of icons) was convened in 787 AD.

Which religion began in the time of the Romans?

Christianity. Emperor Constantine in the council of Nicea in 352AD put together the bible while high on crack cocaine. This is why it doesn't make sense.

What is the year was the council of nicea?

The Council of Nicea took place in the year 325 AD.

What year was the Council of Nicea?

In 325 AD.The council of Nicaea was in 325 AD.

What did Arius say about Serapis Christus?

that he was not real he was made from nothing of nothing and people are worshipping him, so emperor Constantine called council of nicea 325 ad and change his name to Jesus christ.

Who called together the council which decided on official Christian beliefs in 325 AD?

Council of Nicea

What was the concil of narseia?

The first Council of Nicea (Nicea, Turkey) was held in 325 CE, at the invitation of Emperor Constantine, to bring together 318 bishops from across the empire in an attempt to find common ground on which the varying sects could agree. Christianity as known today is the result of what those bishops agreed upon. It was this Council that formed the 'Nicene Creed' and was responsible for the timing of Easter on the Christian calendar so that the celebration of Christ's resurrection would no longer occur simultaneously with the Jewish Passover. See the links below for detailed information on the Council of Nicea.

Who convoked a Council at Nicea in 787 which restored the veneration of icons?

The Empress Irene.

What did Constantine change in the Holy Bible?

At the council of Nicea, three centuries after the death of Christ Jesus, Emperor Constantine demanded that the Trinity doctrine be upon the council. He pretty much added in a man-made belief and I think that he ignored the verses in the Bible that prove that Christ is not God but a son of God and that the Holy Spirit is not God but a servant of God and that there is only one true God, who is the Father in heaven.

What were the aims of the council of Nicea?

To standardize Christian doctrine and develop a single creed and bible.