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Q: What role did Diocletian play in roman empire?
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The natural disasters played a role in the fall of the roman empire when there was plagues, famines, and earthquakes.

What was the role of the fall of the roman empire?

Please be more specif. What was the role of the fall of the Roman Empire in what?

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When Constantine converted Christian, then Christianity became a state religion for the Roman Empire.

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the arab empire that controlled 3/4 of the region and some of it was the Roman Empire

When did Constantine reunite the roman empire?

Constantine did not reunite the Roman Empire. The Roman empire was never split. Emperor Diocletian had created the tetrarchy (role by four) in 286. This was a system of co-emperorship with four co-emperors. Two of them were senior emperors (Augusti) in charge of the eastern part of the empire (Diocletian) and the western part of the empire (Maximian). The other two were junior emperors subordinated to the senior ones and in charge of the defence of the troubled frontier areas of the river Rhine in the west and the river Danube in the east. These were administrative and defence reform of a a single empire. The terms Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire have been coined by historians. The Romans had only one term Roman Empire. Diocletian stressed that the Roman Empire was indivisible. Constantine started as a co-emperor and became sole emperor in 324 after wining two civil wars, one against a usurper (Maxentius) an one against co-emperor Licinius.

What role did the Roman Empire play in the scattering of the Jews from the land of Palestine?

After a series of revolts, the Romans expelled them from Jerusalem.

What role did Julius Caesar play in the fall of Rome?

Julius Caesar had no role in the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire whatsoever. He died 520 years before the conventional date given for the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire (which is sometimes called the fall of Rome).

What role did the roman law play in creating western mentality?

Though Roman government in the form of the Byzantine Empire survived in the East. Though Roman government in the form of the Byzantine Empire survived in the East ... While Rome's absence in the West brought with it tremendous change.

Who was Constantious Chlorus?

Constantius Chlorus, whose full name was Flavius Valerius Constantius, was a Roman emperor who reigned from 293 to 306 AD. He was the father of Constantine the Great and played a key role in the Tetrarchy, a system of joint rule established by Emperor Diocletian. Constantius Chlorus was known for his military successes and efforts to restore stability to the Roman Empire.

What role did christianity play in the fall of rome?

I think that Christianity played an important role before and during the fall of the Roman Empire. Historians explain that this made Roman citizens become pacifist which made it easier for the barbarians to invade Rome. This explains why it was so easy for the barbarians to infiltrate into the city of Rome. Another reason why Christianity held a major role for the decline of empire was that money was used to construct churches instead of having been used to uphold the Roman Empire.

What does it mean that Vocation were hereditary during the rule of Diocletian?

During the rule of Diocletian, the term "vocation" referred to a person's occupation or role in society. In this context, hereditary vocation meant that a person's occupation or role was passed down from generation to generation within their family. This system helped maintain social order and stability in Roman society during Diocletian's reign.

What role did Constantine do to change the Roman Empire?

Constantine made Christianity a legal religion in the Roman Empire. He also moved the capitol of the Roman Empire from Rome to Constantinople (modern day Istanbul).