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Johann Gutenberg is best known for inventing the printing press with moveable type in the 15th century. This invention revolutionized the spread of information by making it quicker, more affordable, and more accessible. Gutenberg's printing press played a critical role in disseminating new ideas, knowledge, and literature during the Renaissance and beyond.

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Q: What role did Johann Gutenberg play in helping to spread new ideas?
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In what ways did the ideas of the Renaissance spread?

Johann Gutenberg's printing press helped spread the ideas of the Renaissance beyond Italy. Paper helped spread ideas of the Renaissance beyond Italy. Hope this helps you! =)


What was the effect of Johann Gutenberg's new machine?The effect of Johann's new machine was because ideas spread more rapidly. Books dropped drastically in price. Also Literacy rates increased.

What was the effect of Johann Gutenberg's new machine what did it make possible?

What was the effect of Johann Gutenberg's new machine?The effect of Johann's new machine was because ideas spread more rapidly. Books dropped drastically in price. Also Literacy rates increased.

What was the effect of Johann Gutenberg's new machine also what did it make possible?

What was the effect of Johann Gutenberg's new machine?The effect of Johann's new machine was because ideas spread more rapidly. Books dropped drastically in price. Also Literacy rates increased.

One invention in particular helped the spread of ideas during the reformation?

The 1440s invention that helped spread the ideas of the renaissance throughout Europe was the movable printing press. It was invented by Johannes Gutenberg.

What was the effect of Johann Gutenberg's new machine?

Johann Gutenberg's invention of the printing press had a profound impact on society by making the mass production of printed materials possible. This led to an increase in literacy rates, the spread of knowledge and ideas, and the democratization of information. It also played a significant role in the spread of the Renaissance and Reformation movements.

Which individuals work had the greatest impact on the spread of martin luthers ideas?

Johannes Gutenberg

Which individuals work had the greatest impact on the spread of martin Luther's ideas?

Johannes Gutenberg

Which individual work had the greatest impact on the spread of the martin luthers ideas?

Johannes Gutenberg

The first printing press usually is credited to who?

The first printing press is usually credited to Johannes Gutenberg, a German inventor who introduced the mechanical movable type printing in the 15th century. This innovation revolutionized the production of books and contributed to the spread of knowledge and ideas during the Renaissance and beyond.

What was the impact of Gutenberg printing press on western Europe?

The spread of Martin Luther's Ideas :D

Why is Johann Gutenberg still significant today?

Johann Gutenberg is significant today because he invented the printing press and developed the first method for movable type printing in Europe around the mid-15th century. His invention revolutionized the way information was produced and disseminated, leading to a widespread increase in literacy and the spread of ideas. His work laid the foundation for the mass production of books and ultimately contributed to the shaping of modern society.