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What was the effect of Johann Gutenberg's new machine?

The effect of Johann's new machine was because ideas spread more rapidly. Books dropped drastically in price. Also Literacy rates increased.

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Q: What was the effect of Johann Gutenberg's new machine also what did it make possible?
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What was the effect of Johann Gutenberg's new machine what did it make possible?

What was the effect of Johann Gutenberg's new machine?The effect of Johann's new machine was because ideas spread more rapidly. Books dropped drastically in price. Also Literacy rates increased.


What was the effect of Johann Gutenberg's new machine?The effect of Johann's new machine was because ideas spread more rapidly. Books dropped drastically in price. Also Literacy rates increased.

What was effect of Johann Gutenberg's new machine?

Literacy rate increase

What was the effect of Johann Gutenberg's new machine?

Johann Gutenberg's invention of the printing press had a profound impact on society by making the mass production of printed materials possible. This led to an increase in literacy rates, the spread of knowledge and ideas, and the democratization of information. It also played a significant role in the spread of the Renaissance and Reformation movements.

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One effect of Gutenberg's invention of the printing press was the rapid spread of information and ideas through printed material, leading to increased literacy rates. Another effect was the standardization of language and the preservation of texts, allowing for the mass production of books and documents.

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