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Q: What role did aenes play in the founding of rome?
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What role did Aeneas play in the founding rome?

Aeneas married the daughter of the Latin king. Aeneas, his son, their descendants became prominent rulers in Italy.

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== == ---- 750 B.C.

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What role did Aeneas play in founding of Rome?

He payed no role. According to a legend, this hero of the Trojan War sailed to Africa, Sicily and finally Latium (land of the Latins. His son, Ascanius, founded the Latin city of Alba Longa and its royal dynasty. The mother of Romulus and Remus was the daughter of the deposed king of Alba Longa. Romulus went on to found Rome. The Romans fancied being the descendants of the Trojans

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What did Aeneas play in the founding rome?

Aeneas married the daughter of the Latin king. Aeneas, his son, their descendants became prominent rulers in Italy.