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The development of agriculture made early civilization posssible. Now they could feed groups of more than a few dozen.

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Q: Why was agriculture necessary precondition for more sophisticated civilization?
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What was the necessary precondition for a neolithic village to become a civilization?

Agriculture was the necessary precondition for a Neolithic village to become a civilization. The ability to practice agriculture allowed for the production of surplus food, leading to population growth, social stratification, specialization of labor, and the development of social, political, and economic structures characteristic of civilizations.

A necessary precondition for a neolithic village to become a civilization in prehistory was the?

development of agriculture and the ability to produce surplus food.

What was all necessary for a neolithic culture to envole into a civilization?

Agriculture had the potential to not only provide reliable sustenance and settlement, but also a surplus which could be diverted to cultural activity.

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Why is agriculture necessary?

Crops are necessary , without crop there is no food. And food is necessary for human body for remaining alive.

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Yes because we need a good civilization :)

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yes lynda banda

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