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Q: What role do cleans and lakes play in the climates of some coastal towns?
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What are coastal towns?

coastal towns are fishing villages

Why where the home guard needed?

to protect the coastal towns

Where are the coastal towns in which mughals first arrived in India?

Sindh and Punjab are some coastal towns which Mughals first arrived. It was in 711 C.E. when Syrian general conquered these places in India.

Which two coastal towns or villages are closest to great yarmouth?

scratby and caister

Where was the 2014 flooding?

Yes, there was flooding in 2014 in the coastal towns of Devon and Cornwall.

What causes huge waves to slam into japans coastal towns?

Tsunami are caused by earthquakes.

How many towns are there on the low coastal plain?

Atlantic ocean ,Suriname

What is a good sentence using coastal?

Here are three sentences using the word 'coastal': "Brighton is a coastal town." "I would like to live in a coastal town because I like being near the sea." "It is often difficult to get to coastal towns because there is little public transport."

Where are the great lakes located town or city?

The Great Lakes of North America are located on the borders of Canada and America. If you look at a map of the region you will see all the cities and towns that are close to the lakes.

Why are the Tagus and the Rio Guadiana important?

these lakes are importent because they carry fresh water to the towns

What does acidic rain damage?

acid rain damages lakes and streams and chips statues like in towns and stuff

In what areas do most inhabitants of the UAE live?

In towns and cities, population density and development is higher along the coastal areas.