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the role of the teeth is so that you can smash it to smaller pieces so that the stomach wont have to take longer than 10 hours to digest the food, and also so you would not choke

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Q: What role do teeth play in digestion?
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What role do the teeth play in digestion?

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What is the role of the teeth in digestion?

The role that the teeth play is that they chew the food up so that it is easier to swallow the food also so you don't choke (did you know that your strongest muscle it in your mouth)---------------I think they break down food mechanically, increasing the surface area of the food for enzyme action.

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What is the main role of teeth in digestion?

Teeth are useful in chewing food. The process of chewing helps to break the bigger chunks of food into smaller easily digestible pieces.This helps in easy digestion of food.