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Q: What role does oak tree do in a carbon cycle?
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Describe the life an oak tree supports?

Describe the role of an oak tree in the circulation of carbon in the biosphere

Where does most of the mass of a tree come from?

The mass is located in the trunk of the tree

How does and oak tree get its food?

Like all green plants, oak trees MAKE their food from carbon dioxide, water and sunlight.

What purpose does fungi serve in the life cycle of the oak tree?

there is a couple different ways in which fungi could be in an oak trees life cycle depending where it grows. The most obviouse would be when the tree dies the fungi help decay the tree by feeding on it. Also there are types of fungi that live in the soil mostly underground that can give off nitrogen among other nutrients that an oak tree could feed on.

Is oak tree a heterotrophic plant?

No.A heterotroph is an organism that cannot fix carbon and uses organic carbon for growth.This contrasts with autotrophs, such as plants and algae, which can use energy from sunlight to produce organic compounds such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins from inorganic carbon dioxide.An oak tree is an autotroph.

Is a oak tree consumer?

Yes. In "regular" mode, the oak draws water and minerals from the ground and carbon dioxide from the air to use with sunlight for fuel.

What type of tree is an oak tree?

an oak tree much?

Is an oak tree a summer tree?

An oak tree is a summer and fall tree.

Why are oak trees useful to us?

an oak tree is a tree that grows in parks and back gardens. they are not rare as they can grow nearly everywhere. oak trees help to make the wood "oak". this is a very strong oak and is used for floors and furniture a lot.

What tree does an acorn come from?

An Oak treeAcorns come from oak trees.

What will grow from the seed of an oak tree?

An oak tree.

Is an oak tree a consumer?

It's either,A. ProducerB: DecomposerC: ConsumerD:Scavengeryes the acorns are seedsyes, it is one of many producers.