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Q: What role does the accordion play in culture?
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look i don't know what your thinking but i don't think hamsters can play the accordion

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What music do you play the accordion with?

The accordion can be played in almost any kind of music such as jazz, rock, pop and of course traditional music. The accordion today has enjoyed a renewed interest worldwide in countries such as France, Italy, Ireland and the United States. The accordion is very popular in France where it has been played in French musette since the 1890s. Louisiana is the home of Cajun music where the accordion also plays a central role in this music genre.

What type of music is the accordion play in?

The accordion plays romantic and clasical music. Most people don't like the accordion but I do and s dose my friend

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How do you play an accordion?

An accordion has keys like a piano as well as some buttons that you press while squeezing.

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I think it play a religion,team and a life time