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A very important role. It forms the basis of the entire theory. What Einstein did, in effect, was assume that inertial and gravitational mass is the same. It was already known at that time that experimentally there was no real difference, but it was sort of regarded as a coincidence; before Einstein there was no real reason why they should be equal.

Einstein looked at what would actually happen if they really are equal, and that assumption (along with the one about the speed of light being constant from his earlier special theory of relativity) directly leads to the equations forming the general theory of relativity.

Looking back one might thus say that both masses are the same because energy warps spacetime.

If someone could show in an experiment that inertial and gravitational masses are not the same it would immediately invalidate Einstein's theory.

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We might regard that there are two types of mass. Gravitational mass is responsible for the attractive 'force' that one mass exerts on another. Inertial mass is responsible for requiring increasingly greater force to change a mass' state of motion - as that mass increases.

To within the best limits of experimental accuracy available, these two masses are equal. This means that a body of mass will resist changes in its state of motion in direct proportion to its 'gravitational' influence on another body of mass.

This equivalence leads to the concept that gravitation is not actaully a force in the Newtonian sense but that gravitation and acceleration are equivelent.

The leap here is to realise that this means that the motion of a mass will remain constant unless in the presence of another body due to the tendancy of mass to warp spacetime and create a mutual tendancy for both interacting masses to follow the curvature of spacetime that they have both created in combination.

We define this from the Newtonian view as masses acting under mutual gravitational influences.

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Axiomatic assumption.

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axiomatic assumption.

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Q: What role does the equivalence of the inertial and gravitational properties properties of mass play in the development general relativity?
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